Call for Papers


As a disruptive technology, cloud computing has sparked huge interest in both IT industry and academic research communities. Cloud computing provisions promising scalable IT infrastructure resources like massive computation, communication and storage resources and services to support various processing of big data applications without major investment in infrastructure up front. Recently, IT giants such as Amazon, Google, IBM and Microsoft have invested huge sums of money in building up their public cloud platforms and services, e.g., Amazon’s Web Services. Technically, cloud computing can be regarded as an ingenious combination of a series of developed or developing ideas and technologies, establishing a novel business model by offering IT services using economies of scale. The core technologies that cloud computing principally built on include web service technologies and standards, virtualization, novel distributed programming models like MapReduce, and cryptography. Nowadays, cloud platforms host a large number of applications in the areas such as manufacturing, healthcare, intelligent transportation systems, e-government, e-commerce and finance, etc.. Furthermore, cloud computing has been extended to a larger scale with the development of edge/fog computing and Internet of Things, and together become a comprehensive computing infrastructure ecosystem for most if not all applications, profoundly changing the IT landscape.

CloudComp 2019 is intended to bring together researchers, developers, and industry professionals to discuss recent advances and experiences in cloud computing, the related ecosystems, applications and business supports. The conference also aims at presenting the recent advances, experiences and results obtained in a wider area of cloud computing, giving users and researchers equally a chance to gain better insight on the capabilities, limitations and developing trends of current cloud computing. Prospective authors are invited to submit high quality paper reporting their original research results and activities related to these areas.


Technical topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

Cloud Architecture

  • X as a Service Paradiagms
  • Cloud Computing Architecture
  • Public/Private/Hybrid Cloud Architectures
  • Scalable Computing Architecture
  • Cloud Simulation Platforms Tools
  • Cloud of Clouds
  • Edge Computing / Fog Computing
  • IoT/Sensor Clouds
  • Data Caching in Cloud
  • Virtualisation in Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Computing Architecture Standardisation

Cloud Management

  • Cloud Resource Scheduling
  • Quality of Service (QoS) in Cloud Computing
  • Cost Models and Optimisation in Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Service Orchestration and Scheduling
  • Privacy, Security and Trust Issues in Cloud Computing
  • Robustness, Reliability and Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing
  • Elasticity and Availability in Cloud Computing
  • Heterogeniety in Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Computing Programming Framework Standardisation
  • Energy-saving Issue in Cloud Computing
  • Off-loading and Server Migration in Clouds
  • Cloud Configuration and Operation

Cloud Applications

  • Cloud Computing for Big Data Processing
  • Cloud Computing for Big Data Mining and Machine Learning
  • Scalable Programming Praradigms, Platforms and Tools
  • Cloud based Outsourcing for Computing and Storage
  • Cloud based Web Server Hosting
  • Cloud for Scientic Computation
  • High Performance Computing based on Cloud
  • Cloud Supported Smart X Technologies
  • Distributed and Parallel Query Processing
  • Cloud Computing E-commerce and E-Government
  • 5G and Cloud Computing
  • Blockchain Techniques for Cloud Computing
  • Cloud-based Innovative Applications


All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.

CloudComp proceedings are indexed in leading indexing services, including Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL)

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:

Paper submission

Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).

Authors are invited to submit papers in the following categories:

  • regular papers: 10 – 20 pages
  • short papers: 6 – 10 pages

Important dates

Full Paper Submission deadline
28 June 2019 EXTENDED 15th July
Notification deadline
2 August 2019
Camera-ready deadline
2 September 2019
Start of Conference
4 December 2019
End of Conference
5 December 2019