EVALUATION FORM To help us improve the quality of our services and the content of future EAI events, please share your feedback with us. Your comments and ratings are treated confidentially. Please rate your experience based on the scales given. PRE-CONFERENCE ARRANGEMENTS *I was well informed on conference arrangements and developments: Strongly disagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly agree *The registration system was easy to use: Strongly disagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly agree CONTENT KEYNOTE SPEAKER Prof. Monica Lam *The presentation gave valuable information: Strongly disagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly agree *The topic of the keynote speech added value to the overall program: Strongly disagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly agree WHOLE CONFERENCE *The topics addressed were interesting: Strongly disagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly agree *The topics addressed were relevant and important to me: Strongly disagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly agree *There was a sufficient number of presentations: Strongly disagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly agree *The presentations covered every aspect of the conference theme: Strongly disagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly agree LOCATION AND VENUE *The location: PoorFairSatisfactoryGoodExcellent *The venue: PoorFairSatisfactoryGoodExcellent *The timing of the conference: PoorFairSatisfactoryGoodExcellent *Meeting rooms: PoorFairSatisfactoryGoodExcellent *Food and refreshments: PoorFairSatisfactoryGoodExcellent *AV support: PoorFairSatisfactoryGoodExcellent *Secretariat support during the conference: PoorFairSatisfactoryGoodExcellent OVERALL CONFERENCE EXPECTATIONS *The conference has met all my expectations: PoorFairSatisfactoryGoodExcellent *How did you hear about this event: -- Please Select --Email sending of the Call for PapersICST websiteEAI websiteEAI communication/newsletterAt previous year's eventOther Please write any comments you have: *Comments: Please list all the topics that were not addressed during the conference and you would like to recommend for future conferences: Topics: Please list any speakers you would like to see at the future edition of the conference: *Speakers: Let us know if you would like to contribute to any future events by contacting conferences@icst.org. Thank you for your contribution!